2021 Yearly roundup
2021 has been a very good year for GigaNotoSaurus. So for the first time, I’m writing a Yearly Roundup.
We have gathered a great slush team and we moved our submissions system to Moksha, which has helped us in maintaining our submissions better. We had 789 submissions this year processed through Moksha (March through December 2021). Out of those submissions, 1.3% (10) were accepted. 2 of those were Rewrite Requests. Our average response time to submissions is 58 days, though the stories that are passed up to yours truly are longer. That will be my goal to get that length of time shortened in the next year.
The stories we published in 2021 are:
January: A Remembered Kind of Dream by Rei Rosenquist
February: The Patron God of Tawn by Dustin Steinacker
March: Slow Eshtyca by Damien Krsteski
April: Kuemo of the Masks by Naomi Libicki
May: Just Enough Rain by P H Lee
June: The Enchanted Gardener by Jessica Yang
July: Missed Calls by Nathan Tavares
August: Teaching to the Test by Sarina Dorie
September: On Milligan Street by Peter M. Floyd
October: Julissa’s Haunted Rodeo by Mireille Farjo
November: Every Word a Play by Meridel Newton
Please feel free to consider the above stories when you are reading for award season. Keep us in mind in your awards nominations. For Hugos GigaNotoSaurus is eligible for awards in the Semiprozine category along with Best Editor (Short Form). Also remember that we will reopen to submissions on February 1, 2022.
Thank you for reading our stories. We have some great stories lined up for you in 2022, so always check us out on the first of every month!
About the Author
LaShawn M. Wanak, Editor
LaShawn M. Wanak is the editor of GigaNotoSaurus. She also writes stories. Stories keep her sane. Also, pie.