September 2023 Editorial – The “We Need Your Help” Post
Hello friends of GigaNotoSaurus,
You probably knew this was coming when I made the announcement that I was now the owner of GNS. Let me not sugarcoat this, then. In order for us to continue running, we need your help.
When I came on as acquiring editor in 2019, Ann Leckie, the current owner of the site, provided the funds for author payments. After I became the owner, she gave me enough funds to run GigaNotoSaurus for a limited time. Currently, we have enough funds to run stories to the end of November 2024.
The good news is that our expenses are relatively low since we only publish one story a month. To keep GNS running at our current published rates, we’ll need to raise $3100 per year. But I’d love to do more than that. If we can bring in $6000 a year, we can do things such as a special year-long issue of Black authors/ queer authors/ trans authors along with our regular offering. Perhaps offer illustrations with each story, or an audio version. And the biggest stretch goal? I would love to get paid for this. Not just me, but also my slush team.
Can I dream? Heck yes. Can it happen? Well, that’s why I’m turning to our readers for help. If you want to contribute a one-time payment, go to our magazine’s main page and click on the “Donate” button at the bottom of the About Section. But if you want to give on a more consistent basis, we’ll be setting up а Patreon soon. Tier rewards we’re considering are offering detailed feedback for those who give in a higher tier, and the opportunity to vote on new projects for lower tiers. We’re also looking into subscription avenues, grants, and Kickstarter.
One way readers can help us right now is by letting us know how you receive stories from us. With the uncertainty of former-Twitter’s future, we need to make sure we are reaching our audience well. In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be sending out a poll through former-Twitter and BlueSky to see how best to reach you. If you can spread the links to this editorial and those polls when they come out, that would help us a lot!
We understand that we are asking for money during a tumultuous time for magazine publishers with the current state of publishing, the toxicity of certain social media sites, turmoil with AI content making an oversaturated field. And yet, I believe GNS provides a niche market for new writers. We are one of the few online magazines that publish novella-length stories and also offer ebooks for free. Our stories have been nominated for awards, and while we don’t offer pro-rates, many authors who are published in GigaNotoSaurus go on to become excellent writers. My heart does flips when I run a story from a new author being published for the very first time.
I love short stories. I love GigaNotoSaurus. Please join me in my dream in continuing to bring these wonderful stories to light.
About the Author
LaShawn M. Wanak, Editor
LaShawn M. Wanak is the editor of GigaNotoSaurus. She also writes stories. Stories keep her sane. Also, pie.

Dear Ms. Wanak,
I’m an aspiring writer (female, Puerto Rican) in Brooklyn, NY. Now retired after working for NYS for 36 years, my specialty is fantasy mixed with horror. I’ve written a series of longer than average short stories about a sexy female vampire, and am working on another series about a half-human fairy godmother (whose human half is Latina) who raises the murdered dead as sentient zombies. Would either of these genres be suitable for your magazine? Please let me know when you’re accepting submissions again so I can send you a story about whichever character you prefer.