2023 Award Eligibility Post & Submissions on Hold (for now)

Hello friends,

This post is a bit late. I had a lot on my plate over the past few months which I will talk about in a bit. First here are the stories we published that are eligible for awards in 2023:

GigaNotoSaurus is also eligible for awards under the semi-prozine category, and yours truly is eligible for short-form editor.

So, the next thing I’d like to talk about: submissions. You may have noticed that we haven’t opened the magazine to submissions since the end of October 2023. This is because we are swamped in slush–especially me. For instance, I’m finally starting to process slush that was passed up to me from April 2023. That’s how far behind I am.

So for now, we’re going to put open submissions on hold so we can catch up. My slush team has been absolutely amazing, but also, like myself, we are volunteers who’ve also been dealing with their own lives. To those of you who have stories in our pile, thank you for your patience. And for those who have received the 2nd level consideration email, I still have your stories and I’m working through them.

Thank you to all our readers. It’s a turbulent time, but I hope that our stories provide a little space of respite for you. Stay tuned to this website for when we open up submissions again.