Welcome Guest Editor Anna Schwind
This summer, Anna Schwind (who is among other things one of the editors of Podcastle) will be taking over GigaNotoSaurus’ slushpile. She’ll be reading for the next three months.
This may or may not be related to the fact that I have a deadline coming up. But I’m also interested in the ways other people might curate stories, and I’m seriously considering future guest editing slots.
Writers who are familiar with Podcastle might already have some idea of the things that appeal to Anna–now’s the time to send those things if you have them! But don’t forget that sometimes the most wonderful discoveries are a surprise–something you never thought of, never expected. Keep sending the stories you believe in, not just the stories you think a particular editor might like. The submissions process will be unchanged–the regular guidelines still apply.
I’m looking forward to seeing what Anna brings us.