Please Welcome Our New Editor, Rashida J Smith
GigaNotoSaurus has been a labor of love from the beginning. I’m very proud of the fiction I’ve published since its start in 2010. And I’ve had a lot of fun editing–I can tell you from experience that when editors say they get a happy thrill out of discovering a gem in the slush, they really, really mean it. And it’s been amazing to work with every single one of the writers whose stories I’ve published.
But editing takes real time and energy. And, unlike in 2010 when I opened GigaNotoSaurus, I’ve got big projects with deadlines staring me in the face.
Closing GigaNotoSaurus wasn’t an option–I still feel that it’s important to have some sort of venue for longer fiction, and surely more stories were coming in the future, just as good as the ones I’d already found, that would need a home.
No, I didn’t want to close up shop. And the more I thought about it, the more I figured it would be good for an editorial changeup. Given a bucket full of gems, no two editors will select the same ones. Maybe it was time to see what someone else would pick!
So I asked Rashida J. Smith if she’d like to be editor. And she said yes! She’s smart and fabulous, and I believe she’ll pick great fiction. You might have heard her narrate stories for Podcastle or Psuedopod, or you might have read her story “Small Strange Towns.”
The best part, for me, is that just like the rest of you, I get to sit back and see what she brings us.
–Ann Leckie

Thank you for the years of great fiction. I’ll miss your hand on the reins, but I suspect Rashida J. Smith is going to do a great job steering the beast as well.