Giganotosaurus 2017 Award Eligibility
It’s incredible to me that Giganotosaurus turned seven this year and that 2017 marks my third full year as editor. From its earliest days, Giganotosaurus has existed with a single goal: publish one “longish” (longer than a short story, shorter than a novel) work of speculative fiction a month. I’m incredibly proud of the 12 stories that met our goal this year.
Since this is awards season, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on where we stand in terms of eligibility and we published this year.
As the two major awards for consideration are Hugo Awards and Nebula Awards, I’ll be focusing on our eligibility as it relates to those requirements.
Giganotosaurus is eligible for the Best Semiprozine Hugo Award.
Rashida J. Smith is eligible for the Best Editor (Short Form) Hugo Award.
Here are the stories we published in 2017 by categories (short story, novelette, or novella). All of our stories are available to read free online, or downloadable in epub and mobi formats at the links below.
Novellas (17,500-40,000 Words):
Higher My Gallows by Alice Brook
Novelettes (7500-17,500 Words):
Poetics of Defiance by Daniel Ausema
The Wagner Trouble by Julie Novakova
To Us May Grace Be Given by LS Johnson
Hungry Demigods by Andrea Tang
Short Stories (Under 7500 Words):
Hold Me Fast by Alter Reiss
The War on Space and Time by Octavia Cade
With Perfect Clarity by Wendy Wagner
Other Resources and Reading Lists:
2017 Spec Fic by Black Authors
A. Merc Rustad Some Awesome Stories from 2017
My 2017 suggested reading list in all its flawed & limited glory
(This is a sampling of awards eligible lists and not exhaustive by any means and will be updated if/as time allows!)