2022 Award Eligibility Post
2022 had GigaNotoSaurus hitting our stride with our first Nebula-nominated story under my editorship: Just Enough Rain by P. H. Lee, published in May 2021. We had 745 stories submitted to us last year. Here are the stories we published that are eligible for awards in 2022:
- “It’s Always Ourselves We Find in the Sea” by Bennett North
- “Once on a Midsummer’s Night” by Vanessa Fogg
- “The Law of Take” by Isabel Cañas
- “Fox and Troll Steal Math” by Jeff Reynolds
- “In the Time of the Telperi Flower” by David-Christopher Galhea
- “To Revolt is to be Undone” by Sid Jain
- “Hydroplaning” by Peter Medeiros
- “Elsewhere, Elsewhen” by L Chan
- “A Conspiracy of Cartographers” by Barbara A. Barnett
- “Begging the Moon” by Eli Brown
- “Little Gardens Everywhere” by Avra Margariti
- “Patterns in Stone and Stars” by M V Melcer
GigaNotoSaurus is also eligible for awards under the semi-prozine category, and yours truly is eligible for short-form editor.
2023 will be an interesting year in light of our announcement last month. Thank you to all our readers, and we hope you enjoy the stories we have acquired for this year!
About the Author
LaShawn M. Wanak, Editor
LaShawn M. Wanak is the editor of GigaNotoSaurus. She also writes stories. Stories keep her sane. Also, pie.