Archive for Fiction
1. The Funeral I wasn’t surprised when God showed up for Mom’s funeral. They’d always been close. He slipped in the back during my eulogy in the form of a stranger. I don’t think that any of the various relatives noticed Him. For all they knew, it could have been some old flame of hers […]
Kuemo of the Masks
This is the story of Akemuz, corn-mother, grave-mother This is the story of her grief and her fury Of her wanderings, on the earth and below the earth The year turns, we wait for the rains O Akemuz! Hear your story, dwell in us Feed us, sustain us, preserve us So. You want a story. […]
Slow Eshtyca
Vilma, 1 The samohod drove Vilma half-way up the mountain before its engine began to struggle with the slope, coughing up plumes of soot. When the vehicle heaved its last gasoline breath, she abandoned it by the road and continued to the highlands on foot. By dawn, she reached Slow Eshtyca; the village’s […]
The Patron God of Tawn
In Syna’s dream, the she-wasp comes to her. In all their hours together, the aging Unfolder has seen the patron god with her own eyes only twice, and not in half a century at that. But there’s no forgetting some things. In every way, Eotrene is exactly as she remembers. “You weep,” the god says, […]
A Remembered Kind of Dream
I™ve been living out in the deserted junk-land alone for as far back as I can remember. Open brown land mottled with grey uninteresting trash that has no name because who cares? It™s a black hole of a corridor leading from nowhere to nowhere else. Volatile-fog covers the sky every day. The sun can barely […]
Songs of the Leviathans
Earth was millions of light years and memories away from this cold, distant corner of the universe where the Leviathans liked to roam and Founder devices floated silent and dark. Melody was even further away, escorting one pregnant Leviathan that had decided to split off from the main herd and was now wandering her merry […]
The Purim of the Philosophers
Languedoc, 1249 From Moshe ben Nachman to his eldest son Nachman in Toulouse, on the twenty-first day of Adar in the year five thousand and nine, may the blessings of Ribono Shel Olam be with you. My dearest son, I pray that you hear the words of your father and do not forsake […]
Devoured Stars Over Dublin
Over the black sprawl of Dublin, the demons flapped their sore-puckered wings and screamed. Too high to lob a brick at, with nasty talons that’d take a chunk off your face if you tried. Best leave them shriek and gibber across the boiling clouds, swooping and weaving between the pulsating slices in the sky. For […]
A Wild Divinity
My God Falls in Love with Me As with other unwanted attentions, it happens when I’m thinking of something else entirely. I am in the western chapel, reciting the evening prayers. I kneel on a prayer cushion, hands clasped against my forehead in worship. As I repeat the holy syllogisms, my thoughts wander. I consider […]
Miss Bulletproof Comes Out of Retirement
Miss Bulletproof comes home and there’s a god sitting at her kitchen table talking to her kids. “Did you like my presents, children?” says the god. “It was I who got you those gifts, those funny little things, including that long and slithery one, which you both found so amusing.” The children had not found […]