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The King’s Huntsman

The bitch was one of my favorites. Big-boned, brindle, with a bay that could bring the moon down and the sense to use it only when necessary—the finest of her kind. I’d worked her since she was a pup, trained her and tracked her and brought her in to sleep on my bed nights when […]

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Deus Absconditus

When I was a kid, any wizard could put a spell on me. I mean, there was always an occasion. We were either too noisy, or there was too many of us, and so there was always an old bitchy wizard who did not appreciate it when kids screamed, or a middle-aged impatient wizard who […]

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The Navigator and the Sky

ONE “Sing, Kio Lea! Sing!” Tapa O heard his wife urge, even over his own exhortations to his nephews and grandsons to paddle. The young men bent their backs. Sluggishly, the big double-hulled canoe moved out of the harbour. Huddled on the platform that joined the twin hulls, a pile of shadows beneath the platform’s […]

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On Higher Ground

One moment there was snow beneath Kayi’s skis, the next just sky. Her wingsuit snapped in the sudden wind as she dropped off the south face of Annapurna. Her eyes watered despite her mask and the pressure shift of falling thousands of feet in seconds popped her ears with a painful squeak. Kayi angled her […]

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Tilia Songbird

“I have a song for you,” the girl said, appearing in Anj’s study unannounced. The two bluetails in the cage by the window trilled a welcome. Anj looked past the girl to the outer chamber. Where was Shen? He was supposed to keep things like this from happening. “Your servant is striking a bargain to […]

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End Run

Thursday 1 January 2601 (Earth Relative Time) Ensign Darlene Charles took a deep breath to quell her nerves. This is my last chance to make a good impression. Because a third strike would not be a good career move in the Unified Star Fleet. As she picked her way through the dimly lit mess littering […]

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Tattooed Love Boys

The second week, Emma discovered a tattoo parlor down an alley off the main square. The young man behind the counter took one look at her and said, in careful English, “You are too young for a tattoo.” “I don’t want a tattoo. I don’t think I do. My brother does.” He is thinking about […]

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Nebula Nominations

All of us here at GigaNotoSaurus would like to extend our congratulations to this year’s Nebula Nominees! But perhaps we can be forgiven for being a bit more pleased about two particular entries on the list, both nominated for best novelette–“The Migratory Pattern of Dancers” by Katherine Sparrow and “Sauerkraut Station” by Ferret Steinmetz. Obviously […]

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All The Flavors

A Tale of Guan Yu, the Chinese God of War, in America by Ken Liu “All life is an experiment.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson “For an American, one’s entire life is spent as a game of chance, a time of revolution, a day of battle. “ — Alexis de Tocqueville Idaho City The Missouri Boys […]

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Mother Doesn’t Trust Us Anymore

Mother doesn’t trust us anymore. She won’t let us leave the house. You just stay there where I can keep an eye on you, she says. No, you can’t go play in the yard. Don’t you move. We’d noticed her starting to change a while ago. It worried us. When had she become different? Bicky […]

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